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All these tools are interesting. They all support teaching. For example I can introduce a topic about Plants/flowers with wordcloud ( 4th Primary school)
My first Voki! http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=12324567&height=267&width=200
I found this webtool very nice and easy to use. I worked with small numbers for the 1st class of the Primary school
Hello I am Lucia, I hope I am doing right to write here! I use Edmodo https://www.edmodo.com/ with my students and for a e twinning project. Now I am going to try to use woki and prezi to work with my pupils, I am very happy to learn new things.
Hello, I am Lucia and with Week2 I met new links to my lectures on psychology and I made new laboratory activities for my students. I found it interesting link www.powtoon.com. I am satisfied
Hello, I'm Lucia and with Week2 I met new links to my lectures on psychology and I made new laboratory activities for my students. I found it interesting link www.powtoon.com. I am satisfied
Hello! I'm Giovanna Bretti and I teach in a prymary school. This is my first work with powtoon https://www.powtoon.com/presentoons/cqHfc86UclW/edit/?nav=signup#/Loading
hello I'm Stefania and this is m first work with Powtoon https://www.powtoon.com/m/fgfFbIZFZbA/1/
hello this is m little work with Powtoon
introducing myself
hi I'm Fabiola I've just created my character with voki: htt:www.voki.com/pickup.php?height=267&scid=11566666&width=200
Hi! I'm a primary school teacher and this is my first experience with CLIL and webinar. I fouun very interesting https://goanimate4schools.com/public_index
My first work with voki. Do you like it? http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=12320226&height=267&width=200
add my link
I think this link is really useful. I made nice word clouds with styles
My first work with Padlet http://padlet.com/marina_bovo/e7av6kwgrmgj
My first work with Padlet
My first attempt on WIND POWER with padget http://padlet.com/carla_bianchi/z4v6hqe5nn0x Carla Bianchi
Hi everybody, here is my work! I have tried some of the resources and tools and find them useful and easy to use. I have choosed Bubb to remember us all webinar that we can/must follow on platform. https://bubbl.us/?h=309a49/616ab5/31U8cCTYANkF2&r=1800998125
Hi I'm Lucia Colore . I teach in a middle school. I've been rearry impressed by two websites: www.blabberize.com and www.powtoon.com . they offer you the chance to create motivating lessons through the ues of vivid images and Amazing sound effects
I, I'm Laura Chiosi, I created a voki https://www.voki.com and it was a very interesting activity, but I can share it with the group just paying!
Very useful tools, really they can improve our strategies of teachinf, and, above all, studens motivation
https://www.powtoon.com/online-presentation/cuaYIBqXKCV/me/#/t's my first time :
All these tools are interesting and useful for my work. I prefer these in particular: www.wikiart.org www.abcya.com
My prezi's exercise
http://popplet.com/app/#/159352 I found this link useful---RAFFAELLA PACE
Teaching myths and geography
<iframe src='//padlet.com/embed/9drghp6toaem' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='480px' style='padding:0;margin:0;border:none'></iframe><div style='border-top:2px solid #a7d23a;padding:8px;margin:0;font-size:12px;text-align:right'><a href='http://padlet.com' style='color:#41555f;text-decoration:none'>Created with Padlet<img valign='middle' style='margin:0 0 0 10px;padding:0;border:none;width:16px;height:16px' src='http://padlet.com/favicon.ico'></a></div>
Hi everybody, I've been exploring some interesting websites and wish to share my positive impressions on TEDed http://ed.ted.com/lessons?_=1453566467667&category=literature-language&page=4 I've taught English at liceo Linguistico, and this site offers precious material for the kind of lessons I've been used to giving. There is a wide range of videos with different language levels, I was amazed by the ones related to the development of the English Language, awesome! It's worth a look! Elena
Funny Apps for Geography on Playstore: Sol et maris, geography facts And for History: World History, Learn World History
Try hello slide .it 's easy
In this second week of clil training I've experienced some new tools, nevertheless in my class I've proposed http://www.easel.ly/ to make my students create maps inorder to make comparisons, create new texts and images
I'm a CLIL beginner, I actually use this tools that I like: https://quizlet.com/ http://hotpot.uvic.ca/ http://www.wikispaces.com/ https://padlet.com/my/ https://delicious.com/ http://www.abcya.com/ http://www.xmind.net/ https://www.edmodo.com/
https://animoto.com/ http://popplet.com/ http://padlet.com/ http://prezi.com/ I have found these links very useful!
Hi, this week I have used many webtools and my favourite are Powtoon,Padlet, Prezi, Popplet and Toondoo; please give me your opinion, thanks and good job https://www.powtoon.com/presentoons/czACmUUIVAy/edit/#/
Hi. Thanks for sharing. Another easy and pleasant tool to create mind map is http://popplet.com/ Try it"
Link to a mapping software
A free site to create crosswords http://www.crosswordpuzzlegames.com/create.html
www.blogger.com an interesting tool to create and collaborate, involving colleagues and students. Anna Maggi
www.blogger.com an interesting tool to create and collaborate, involving colleagues and students.
I suggest www.learnEnglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/
Insert my work. Daniela
I start to test wiki tool to share with you my first CLIL experience.I am a special education teacher I set a subject that can be learned at different levels without the aspiration of access to creativity, as provided by Bloom taxonomies. The use of the tools was pretty random, the next job I want to set a different starting. I need time to explore and to learn more. I wait for you some opinion about it. Thanks a lot-
website interactive link added
this is my first experiment with voki , hope you like it . Leave a comment please http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=12307244&height=267&width=200
this is my avatar , I hope you like it . Enter a comment please http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=12307244&height=267&width=200
Take a look ww.dipity.com/illogico/Fisica/
Hello everyone, I would like to share with you my "talking picture" made thinglink https://plus.google.com/114760506721615465774/posts/JXqKJdek2xx
Utile piattaforma per interagire con la classe e verificare l'avanzamento delle consegne
Hello I visited these links that are very interesting
I am using these different tools. They are fantastic to get new English lessons. http://www.voki.com/
http://popplet.com/ it can be used both from teacher for activity planning and from children to creat mind map http://microsoft-photo-story.en.softonic.com/ it can be used for creating story telling
http://microsoft-photo-story.en.softonic.com/ Good tool to creat story telling http://popplet.com/ Good to creat mind map to use for Teachers during the activities planning e for children
Hello to all. Also I'm finally here and I'll try to prepare something useful for the teaching of P.E.There is anyone else PE teacher in secondary school?
Hello everybody, I teach history and philosophy in high school. I'd like to share this documentary series I found on youtube. It's called School of life. It's mainly about philosophy and sociology.
Here I am...
http://www.aula21.net/Wqfacil/webit.htm Hi, I think this is one of useful tools to use in classroom. I did it several years ago for a webquest made by class on the best offer about a trip in London