I tried using dipity, looking for useful contents for history teaching.
I think it could be efficient for our students' learning, starting from one of these timelines.
E.g. i looked for timelines about the world war II. I found a lot of materials and, afer having analyzed many of them, i choose one http://www.dipity.com/cutipie747/The_Major_Events_of_World_War_Two/
The teacher can start for the single event to speak about it, to show video, to analyze depositions and so on.
It could be possibile also to manage groups in the classroom. A single event can also be divided in more events by each group, and each group must create a new timeline that studies more deeply a part of history, like the conference of Yalta, the battle of Midway and so on.
useful platform
MY TOOLS.docx anna maria Ruggiero
I made a presentation about core clil activators using prezi....
It's a good presentation software, it uses motion, zoom. Very easy to use :) Maria Cristina Lombardo
PBworks for all and for me:PBwork for all and for me 1
Useful tools for TECHNO-CLIL
Useful links
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